Monday, August 31, 2009

Knee Injury Part III

I have stopped going to my physiotherapist about 5 months ago. Now my knee is much better, although there are minor pains. I can't run or exert myself and I keep to just walking for cardio.

After the fasting month, I am planning to swim more often. Overall, I am happy that I have avoided the surgery.

Been hitting the gym regularly for the past few months and there is obvious sign of growth. It's great to hear from people "You work out?". Means my training is working out. I will share my training tips perhaps on the next post.

For the fasting month, I have stopped going to gym. It's getting more and more obvious that my muscle is shrinking and stomach getting bigger. I do not have time to hit the gym for this one month, and will be hitting back as soon as Raya starts!