Monday, October 29, 2007


I tried to resist as much as possible to not join any social networking tool. Yes, I am anti-social. But unfortunately, my friend cunningly sneaked me into joining Facebook. I am one thing to say, it's impressive.

Everybody that lives on earth is in Facebook including your neighbour's cat, ok I am exaggerating it. But seriously, its like everyone is in it. I made contact with friends that I haven't spoke or seen in 2 years. It's great, but in the same time you get to see others whom you don't want to see and as well you don't want them to see you either. :)

Its just a fad, similar to Friendster and Myspace. But truly its a great tool to keep in touch with long lost friends. Now you have a excuse to not call your friends, "Why never call ah? Haiya, I saw you yesterday is FB mah..... i sent you a gift some more, what more you what!?"

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya

Its a little late, but better late than never. Selamat Hari Raya from Penang on HSDPA. I am lucky that Penang or at least where I am is covered by Maxis 3.5G.

Traffic on NSE was bearable this year, but I had to endure the entire 300 KM journey under heavy rain. Nuts..

Raya was mostly spending visiting, watching movie and shopping! My bro-in-law was around, so takdalah boring sangat. This leave is long overdue and I am just going to be a lazy and useless couch potato until works start. I know tons of stuff is waiting for me in KL, so better take the chance now...

Since I am on leave, I took the chance to try out Celebrity Fitness in Gurney Plaza. Will blog later about it, but I seriously thinking of taking up their Diamond Program. Although I will still maintain FF, but not for long.

No idea, what else to blog. Chow.